Why Ideas Alone Struggle to Secure Investment Today.

Results-driven fundraising in entrepreneurship

Leon Eisen, PhD
3 min readNov 4, 2023

In the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship, the rules of the fundraising game are undergoing a radical transformation. Forget the age-old notion that “ideas are worth their weight in gold” — today’s investors are seeking more. They’re yearning for the tangible, the concrete, the proof that an idea can transcend the abstract and materialize into something extraordinary.

Concrete Implementation Trumps Abstract Concepts

In today’s competitive market, securing financial backing for an idea alone has become an uphill battle, with investors increasingly favoring tangible implementations over abstract concepts. The traditional narrative of a groundbreaking idea serving as the cornerstone for successful fundraising is losing its resonance.

The Saturation of Innovative Concepts

One primary factor contributing to this shift is the sheer abundance of ideas circulating in today’s entrepreneurial landscape. With the rise of global connectivity and information sharing, innovative concepts are no longer confined to a select few. The democratization of ideas has flooded the market, making it challenging for investors to discern which ones possess true potential and which are mere flashes in the pan.

Moreover, the accelerating pace of technological advancement has shortened the window of opportunity for idea-based ventures. Investors are acutely aware that what may seem like a revolutionary concept today could be rendered obsolete tomorrow by a faster, more efficient, or simply more well-executed solution.

The Shifting Emphasis on Results

In this fast-paced environment, the emphasis has naturally shifted towards entrepreneurs who can swiftly bring their ideas to life, demonstrating adaptability and resilience in the face of evolving market demands. Another crucial aspect is the perceived value of ideas in the current business landscape.

While ideas undoubtedly serve as the genesis of innovation, they are intangible and often difficult to quantify. Increasingly data-driven investors are drawn to metrics and tangible evidence of a concept’s viability. The shift towards valuing implementation over ideas reflects a desire for measurable milestones, market traction, and a proven track record — elements that are inherently associated with the execution phase.

The Results-Oriented Market

In essence, the market is becoming more results-oriented. Investors are inclined to allocate their resources to ventures that have demonstrated the ability to navigate the complexities of turning an idea into a profitable reality. The old paradigm of investing in a visionary idea without a clear execution plan is giving way to a more pragmatic approach.

Entrepreneurs must focus not only on crafting innovative concepts but also on developing a clear roadmap for execution and ROI. Demonstrating a commitment to turning ideas into reality, backed by a well-thought-out plan, is increasingly becoming the key to unlocking financial support in today’s competitive entrepreneurial landscape.

Adapting to the New Reality

While this shift in investor preference may present a challenge for those seeking funding for their ideas, it also underscores the importance of a robust implementation strategy. As the entrepreneurial journey continues to be shaped by the evolving dynamics of the business world, adapting to this new reality requires entrepreneurs showcase not just their ideas but their ability to bring those ideas to life.

Entrepreneurs, recognize the imperative of not just executing ideas but of building a remarkable ecosystem. Extend your vision beyond the idea itself, encompassing market dynamics, resource utilization, product refinement, operational excellence, and the nurturing of your most valuable asset — your team. This comprehensive approach is your ticket to transforming your innovative idea into a thriving, sustainable, and successful business in the dynamic landscape of modern entrepreneurship. Seize it!

And investors will readily follow.



Leon Eisen, PhD

Inventor | Entrepreneur | CEO and Chairman | WBAF Senator (G20) | Venture Partner | Keynote Speaker | Startup Mentor and Executive Business Adviser |